Personal, social and health education

Internet safety–Identity, image and reputation–emails, websites and downloads - digital competence
I’ve created these 6 worksheets in response to the new digital competence framework and for the fact that I couldn’t find many resources myself. Internet safety is such a broad spectrum, I have focused on the following in these.
E-mail safety and phishing - true or false,
Private and personal information - table distribution
Genuine and scam websites - colouring,
Computer cookies – missing words,
Identity theft – what is it? How to protect yourselves and what to do when you’re a victim,
The perils of free software and downloads - comprehension.
They have been created to use in a year 4 class but are suitable for any KS2 or KS3 year group.

Digital competence / citizenship / internet safety posters
9 posters to introduce digital awareness and internet safety to the primary classroom covering a variety of issues with slogans e.g. adult supervision = wise decision.

End of year booklet, transition to next year
15 page transition booklet with end of year worksheets that were written for year 4 but are suitable for other years. Activities include reflecting, demonstrating Mathematical problem solving skills, the school day, friends, achievements, letter to new teacher etc. They can easily be used as single worksheet as an instructed task or be given to the class to work independently.
*Mae versiwn Cymraeg ar gael ar wahan hefyd.*